Elsecar, Barnsley

For Sale


The property the subject of this report comprises an area of Land and dilapidated buildings situated on the South Side of Foundry Street, Elsecar, Barnsley, S74 8EQ.

The property is located within a predominantly residential area.

The property comprises a broadly rectangular shaped site, generally overgrown.

The former building featured n the site does have a history of asbestos presence, please for more information on this contact the agent directly.


We calculate the site area of the property to be 1.16 acres (0.47 hectares)


No services are currently present on the site.


Not applicable



Full vacant possession available on completion


£175,000 Subject to contract


Not applicable


Unless otherwise stated all prices/rents quoted are exclusive of VAT.


Historically, the property had the benefit of a planning consent under reference 2011/0503 for the ‘erection of a 40 bed residential care home, granted by Barnsley Metropolitan Borough Council on 7th July 2011. As at the 30th August 2014, the aforementioned planning consent had expired.

Within the Barnsley Local Plan Consultation Draft 2012, the site has a draft allocation as ‘Urban Fabric’

i.e. land within the Settlement with no specific allocation.


Strictly by prior appointment with Wilbys.


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2.) All rents and prices quoted are exclusive of VAT, unless otherwise stated.    

3.) All measurements, areas and distances quoted are approximate only.

4.) Information provided in respect of planning and rating matters has, unless stated, been obtained by way of verbal enquiry only.  Interested parties are therefore recommended to seek their own independent verification on such matters from the appropriate Local Authority.

5.) Location and site plans if provided, are for identification and directional purposes only.  The area surrounding the subject property may have changed since the plan was produced.

6.) Wilbys have not tested any apparatus, equipment fittings or services and so cannot verify they are in working order.  Prospective purchasers are advised to obtain verification on such matters via their surveyor or solicitors.

7.) Business rates are usually calculated by multiplying the rateable value by the pence in the pound multiplier, however this can vary subject to transitional change and small business rate relief.

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